This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.
This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the message will be relevant for you at that time.
Happy new month!
I intend for you that August will bring you a LOT of joy, and help wipe away the tears from the past few months.
Let's get started with the Angel Reading now.
General: If you chose A, you can now breathe with relief. Your prayers have been heard. Peaceful...
Hello! :-)
One week left for the Angel Card course to be done. Next Sunday is the last day. I've had a lot of fun teaching it.
A happy happy happy new week and a happy new month to you!
What has been going on in your life? How are you feeling? Many new things are happening in my life, and I am coming close to ending the "How To Make Your Own Angel Oracle Cards & Use Them" course in my Facebook group. I will be taking it off the group in the first week of August when I launch my online Academy. If you had joined the group to do this free course, make sure you complete the course soon.
Have you added yourself to the waitlist of my online Academy? If you haven't, then make sure you don't miss the opportunity:
Let's now get on with the Weekly Angel Reading.
How have you been? Has the quarantine been lifted where you live? I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and doing good.
Hey, :-)
Happy new week!
1. Do you wish you could easily get guided by your angels so you don't have to ask anyone else?
2. Do you wish you could talk to your departed loved ones on your own so you could ease the pain of grief a bit, and feel their loving presence with you?
3. Do you wish you could help others through Divine Guidance?
4. Do you wish you could solve any relationship/money/health/career problems you might be having with guidance from your angels?
5. Do you wish your angels could help you make the best decisions?
6. Do you wish to see, hear, touch, know your angels?
7. Do you feel you have a mission here on earth that you need to fulfill?
8. Do you feel life could be much easier than how it is now?
How was last week for you? I hope you are living a Divinely Guided life. It is the nature of life to throw challenges at us, but we can still maneuver well when we take the Divine Help that is always there to guide us. All we need to do is listen.
These angel readings I post each week are a way to strengthen your own intuitive skills too. IF you pick the picture based on your intuitive guidance, you will realize you are getting perfect messages for you.
I am going to launch my online Academy very soon where I will be teaching courses towards: Certified Angel Card Reader, Certified Angel Tarot Reader, Certified Advanced Angel Intuitive Guide, Certified Intuitive Energy Healer, Certified Life Mastery Coach. And I will provide many other resources. It will be a ridiculously low price for Founding Members! Only for Founding Members. So stay tuned for the email I will send out this week to get added to the waitlist.
Hey there!
Have you joined my free class on learning about angels, creating angel cards, and learning how to use them?
Tomorrow I am teaching Lesson #3 - How to create a practice of connecting with your Angels
There will be at least 7 Lessons - one each Sunday. And I will save all videos in my Facebook group till about August. So join the class soon and create your angel cards.
Go to -
Click "Join", and make sure you answer the questions there so that I can keep spammers away.
A new week, new energy! :-) And I have no idea what messages will come through. So I will begin by choosing my picture. I'll close my eyes and ask my guardian angel to guide me to pick a picture from - A/B/C. You do the same. And then open your eyes and choose one guided by your gut feeling, not because you like the picture, or because you like the color. Choose purely by the guidance of your intuition. Comment below or on my Facebook post and let me know what you chose. INSTRUCTIONS: