1. Launching my dream - my online Academy!
2. 2020 made sure that hubby and kiddos stayed home, and I loved that very much!
3. 2020 made sure I got the slower pace of life I had longed for.
4. My Conscious Manifestation skills went through the roof!
5. Hubby got a FABULOUS job at the time of the hiring freeze (yep, Conscious Manifestation!).
6. Daughter graduated from college with a medal.
7. Son graduated from Middle School super happy that he could learn from home. He had been stressed, and this helped him feel better.
And there is so much more that I manifested in 2020 that I am grateful for. Point is, even though 2020 was awful for many, if we look, we will find many blessings within this year.
2020 has been a terror for most. I think we can all agree to that.
We can also agree that we all want 2021 to be far better, no matter what our country, race, religious beliefs, or political affiliations.
I have changed a lot for the better in my life just by using the Law of Assumption as taught by Neville Goddard.
There is a short and simple technique that he taught, one that I often to manifest whatever I want in life. This is one of the reasons 2020 was actually quite nice for me personally.
But it does hurt when we see so much grief in the world, doesn't it? I would like each of you to have a beautiful 2021. So I will teach you a short visualization technique that will take only a few seconds of your time each day. Visualize this at least once a day:
Visualize or imagine that it is the 31st of December 2021. You are sitting with your loved ones, celebrating the end of a beautiful year. Imagine someone who is very close to you, whose voice you can easily...