Do You Have An Angel With You?

Do you have an Angel with you? Absolutely. There is an angel with you right now.

Everyone has loving Angels with them who are guardians and teachers. I am not going to talk about the religious descriptions of angels. I am going to write about what I have personally experienced and felt…and what I believe. You too should get to know them yourself. 

If you want to meet your own Guardian Angel, watch this video:


It is not my purpose to change your beliefs. Read what I have to say and let me know what you have experienced.

When I first learned about Angels, I was given the standard explanation: "Angels are Created Beings like humans are. But they are not human, and will never be human. And that humans can never be angels." This was not what I learned through my years of working with them. I would advise you too to work with them directly and form your own beliefs guided by your Soul, and your Angels.

As I started to talk to them and work with them,...

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Angel Reading for the week of May 24th, 2020

angel reading weekly May 24, 2020

Hi there!

Have you been enjoying the weekly angel readings? I hear from many people that they want to learn to communicate with the angels too and get their own guidance, personal to them.

So I am teaching an absolutely free course on "CREATE YOUR OWN ANGEL MESSAGES CARDS" and then how to use those cards. 

Tomorrow I am teaching Lesson #2 - Who are the angels in our lives, how do they help us, how do they communicate with us, and how we can communicate with them.

There will be at least 7 Lessons - one each week. And I will have them all in my Facebook group till about October. 

So if you want to join this free course, now is the time.

Go to:


And click "Join", and make sure you answer the questions there so that I can keep spammers away.

Now to get to the angel reading:


  1. Remove distractions.
  2. Ask your guardian angel to help you to pick the RIGHT picture for...
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Weekly Angel Reading April 26th, 2020

A new week, new energy! :-)

And I have no idea what messages will come through. So I will begin by choosing my picture. I'll close my eyes and ask my guardian angel to guide me to pick a picture from - A/B/C. You do the same. And then open your eyes and choose one guided by your gut feeling, not because you like the picture, or because you like the color. Choose purely by the guidance of your intuition.  I choose A. :-). Let's see what the angels say to me.

Comment below or on my Facebook post and let me know what you chose.


  1. Remove distractions from your mind.
  2. Ask your guardian angel to guide you to pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  3. Look at the picture below and see which one your heart is pulling you to. 
  4. Do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or pretty or peaceful, or anything like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your heart. This is important.
  5. Then scroll down to check your message.


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Weekly Angel Reading April 19th, 2020

angel reading weekly Apr 20, 2020


  1. Remove distractions from your mind.
  2. Ask your guardian angel to guide you to pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  3. Look at the picture below and see which one your heart is pulling you to. 
  4. Do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or pretty or peaceful or anything like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your heart. This is important.
  5. Then scroll down to check your message.



If you were guided to pick A, then most likely you have been feeling stressed. Either because of the current global situation or because of too much to do, or some other personal situation. Most people in the world feel somewhat stressed all the time. Unfortunately, that’s how life is these days. But the people who chose A are most likely dealing with more than normal stress at this time. Your guardian angels are asking you to step back from all you are worried about and take a break. You really need a...

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Angel Reading - Pick A Picture!


This is a timeless Angel Message - which means - it is not date related. Whenever you come across this article and pick your picture guided by your intuition or by your Guardian Angel, the message is meant for that time. 


  1. Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the right picture for your message.
  2. Then see which picture you feel drawn towards.
  3. Scroll down to check the corresponding angel message for you.



You might be in a situation (or will be soon) where you are asked to handle the matters with utmost emotional maturity. You will need to have complete trust in your abilities and in the ones helping you. Rest assured that the people involved do have everyone's best interests in mind. The good thing is, that everyone here really does desire to resolve the challenge in the most compassionate way. Your angels also say that you are an honorable person. You have great integrity. You truly do care. You have control over your...

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