How To Clear Limiting Money Beliefs With Affirmations

Affirmations used over and over again, spoken, thought or written, over time re-program your subconscious mind.

And the best part is you don't even need to believe them! In fact, do not force yourself to believe or you will create more resistance. All you need to do is invoke emotions or feelings of what you will feel if what you are affirming were true. Most likely, you will feel happy or relieved.

However, make sure, you have worked on your limiting beliefs about wealth creation first because that makes using affirmations even easier. And when you are using these affirmations, if you become aware of any negativity you are feeling, stop, and take note. Write down what those negative thoughts and feelings are, and then use EFT tapping as I have shown in my last article to remove that limiting belief: https://www.thepurpleflower.com/blog/how-to-clear-limiting-money-beliefs-with-eft-tapping

How to use affirmations:

1. You can repeat them in your mind as often as you can...

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This Is How You Can Manifest GOOD Health

You Can Easily Improve Your Health With Affirmations.

If you don't believe me, give it a try, and see for yourself. But do it with an open mind. Let me tell you 2 stories first.

A Client's Story of Healing:

She had chronic migraines. And she needed strong, prescription painkillers almost every day. So I advised her to visualize for 3 minutes or so every day that she is telling someone about her miraculous healing, and how she does not get migraines anymore. And then I asked her to write an affirmation 15 times (right after visualization) that went like, "I, (her name), am completely free of migraines now". Within a month her migraines stopped completely, and she didn't need painkillers anymore.

My Story of Healing:

At one point in time, I had very high cholesterol and my doctor was worried. She wanted me to go on lifelong cholesterol medication. So I asked her if I can wait for 30 days and see if I can improve it on my own. She looked skeptical and said that I can try...

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