30-Day Challenge: Do THIS To Change Your Circumstances.

Most of us do this.

We go to bed and then worry about everything we can remember. Or we have mental conversations with people where we are arguing with them and “putting them in place”. Or we imagine the worst possible things.

And the next day we wake up to live the same life we have been living, one that gives us enough things to worry about.

Why is life not changing for the better?

One of the biggest reasons is what I mentioned above.

The time just before we go to sleep is powerful.

That is the time when our subconscious mind is most accessible to programming. It is our subconscious mind that creates our lives. Our conscious mind fills the subconscious with information, and the subconscious mind creates accordingly.

The subconscious does not judge. It will not stop to wonder if this will cause you happiness or sadness. It follows the instructions that the conscious mind gives it.

What we think of at night before we sleep has a HUGE impact on what we experience as...

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You Don’t Gain Anything From Going Back To What Broke You

You don’t gain anything from going back to what broke you. You don’t gain anything by sacrificing your sanity and self-care for a momentary feeling of comfort. The sadness will pass. The hurt will fade. New things and people will take their place, and someday soon, your heart will feel full again. Someday, you’ll laugh at how convinced you were that this was the end. That there was no others way out or through.


So when the longing gets heavy and you feel yourself thinking about going back, remember that it’s okay to miss them. It’s okay to wish things could have worked. And, it’s okay to keep walking.
— Daniell Koepke

This is another beautiful quote from Daniell Koepke. I recently found her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Internal.Acceptance.Movement/

Much love,

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You Don’t Ever Have To Tolerate People Who Treat You Poorly


I love this quote by Daniell Koepke. In fact, I like many quotes by Daniell. She doesn’t mince words. She says it just as it is. No beating around the bush. No walking on eggshells.

Here below is the complete quote. I couldn’t fit it all in the picture above:

You don’t ever have to tolerate people who treat you poorly. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, a family member, or a partner. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them for or how nice they may have been to you in the past – you’re allowed to call people out on their abusive behavior. You’re allowed to set boundaries about what you are and are not willing to tolerate. You’re allowed to vocalize how their abuse makes you feel. You’re allowed to share those feelings and experiences with other people. And if necessary, you’re allowed to leave and distance yourself. You have every right to stand up and say, “I love you and I really...

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