Angel Reading - Timeless


How was October for you? For me, it was better than August. :-) Happy November to you. I hope November treats you beautifully!


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the message will be relevant for you at that time.

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  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

Your Guardian Angel Message:


Angel Reading: If you chose A, you are heading into a very joyful time.  Mostly things should be going well for you and you will be meeting with success in whatever you are focused on - work, relationships, health, money, or spirituality. You will have a feeling of enthusiasm. Give thanks to your Divine Team of God, Higher Self, Angels, and Guides, and open your heart to receive the blessings that are being sent your way. Your positive, joyful energy will draw people to you. You will feel free and confident. If anyone has hidden something from you, the light of truth will most likely shine upon the situation, and the truth will be revealed to you. Most of you will find that your problems are melting away. 

You will receive angelic guidance and divinely guided insights which when followed will bring you much luck, joy, love, and success. Many of your dreams will be coming true. Prayers will be answered. New wonderful opportunities will come your way. Some of you will be getting awards or some kind of public recognition. There will be celebrations. Your health will be getting better. 

In relationships, you will be experiencing fun and passion. If there are any problems, they will be resolved. There could be engagements, weddings, or if you are single, a great relationship might come your way. You will experience success at work, and in finances. Health will be good, and if you are not well, you can expect to heal. 

However, before getting into this happy phase of life, some of you might be still feeling depressed, lacking focus, purpose, or enthusiasm in life. Please know that this will end. You will feel purposeful again. You will feel enthusiastic about life again. You will feel focused again. Love, joy, health will return to your life. In the area of spirituality, some of you might experience kundalini or enlightening experiences.

What We Can Do: If you are not yet experiencing the good things written above, know that you deserve it all, and you just need to make a little bit of effort, and you will be in this promised phase soon. In relationships make efforts to have very open and honest communication so that nothing is swept under the carpet. Take a journal and make two columns: Current Situation & Desired Situation. Under the Current Situation, write down what is not working in your life, or what is it that you would like to improve. So if you are having problems in your relationship or work or health etc, write down those statements under "Current Situation". Then create affirmations for what you want instead of the current situation, and write under "Desired Situation". If you are single and want to be in a relationship, create a short affirmation like, "I am blessed to be in a loving, honest, dependable relationship". If you are having problems not getting the right job you want, you could create an affirmation like, "I am blessed to have my dream job which pays me a salary of XXX (write your desired amount)". If you are sad, create an affirmation like, "I feel so happy all the time!". If you feel unfocused, say, "I am laser-focused on my work". If you feel lost about your purpose in life, you could say something like, "I am so happy and grateful that I know what to do in life". Similarly, create affirmations for whatever you wish to improve in life. 

Repeat your chosen affirmation mentally with feeling every night in bed till you drift off to sleep. As soon as you wake up repeat your affirmation for a couple of minutes or so till you get a good feeling inside. During the day whenever the topic of your challenge pops up in your mind, close your eyes and repeat the chosen affirmation mentally till you get a good feeling inside. Doing this diligently will change your situation to the happy things written above because you are meant to experience all that goodness.

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Angel Reading:  If you chose B, you might be feeling burdened, tired, or overworked. Some of you might find a situation (work, relationship, or health) in your life too hard, burdensome or hard work. And many of you have been working too hard, taking on too many responsibilities. When we are in these kinds of situations, we tend to lose our sense of happiness, and we tend to be irritable. This needs to be checked. You need to find a work-life balance. You need to find time to relax and do things that can bring down your stress levels. See if you can delegate some of the work. Ask for help. And make sure you are getting adequate rest and sleep. When a stressful lifestyle continues it can affect our health, work, and relationships. You don't need to carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders.

When you had started off (the work, project, relationship, or whatever else is weighing you down now), it might have felt great. But over time it is becoming burdensome. It is robbing you of joy. Some of you might even be feeling like you are being taken for granted. You might be feeling like you are experiencing burnout or are headed towards burnout if something does not change. 

The good thing is, that this will change. You will achieve success soon, even though you might be feeling like this is a never-ending, uphill battle, or that you have lost all focus and enthusiasm. 

Call upon Archangel Michael to help you attain freedom from this kind of a situation.

What We Can Do: The "B" group people have a specific set of problems they are either facing or might soon face. And this is what you need to do for these problems:

1. If you feel tired and overworked, first of all, please delegate some work. You don't need to do everything yourself. Ask for help. Create time for fun and relaxation or your health and work will suffer. Next, create affirmations that are something like, "I take breaks to rest", "I am a great manager and I delegate work to others", "I am really loving my life! My life is blessed!".

2. If you feel like you are taken for granted by people, create affirmations like, "I am loved", "I am respected", "I am valued", "I have healthy boundaries and everyone respects my boundaries".

3. If you feel your partner is not doing much, and you seem to be doing all the work in your relationship, create affirmations like, "My partner respects me, and cares for me", "I am blessed because my partner puts in as much love and effort into our relationship as I do".

4. If you are single and find yourself too stressed/tired/busy to find time to create a relationship,  make affirmations like, "My life feels blessed in every way!", "I am blessed with a perfectly romantic, loving relationship/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend".

5. If money is the problem, say something like, "I enjoy a lavish salary of XXX (desired amount)", "I have multiple streams of income that make my life so easy!", "Money comes to me so easily!", "Money is the easiest thing to manifest", "I always have an abundance of money", "I always have more money than I can ever spend".

6. If your busy, overworked life is creating stress, and affecting your health, say something like, "I love life, and life loooooves me!", "My life flows so easily", "I have so much fun in life!", "Life is easy & FUN!!!", "I am blessed with a perfect work-life balance, and have lots of time to rest too", "I am RADIANTLY healthy", "I am BLESSED!".

7. If you feel lost spiritually, say something like, "God/Universe/My Angels always guide me clearly in my life", "I feel so fulfilled in life!", "I hear Divine Guidance clearly and accurately", "My life is Divinely guided".

Choose an affirmation in the problem area of your life, and do the following. Repeat your chosen affirmation mentally with feeling every night in bed till you drift off to sleep. As soon as you wake up, repeat your affirmation for a couple of minutes or so till you get a good feeling inside. During the day whenever the topic of your challenge pops up in your mind, close your eyes and repeat the chosen affirmation mentally till you get a good feeling inside. Doing this diligently will change your situation beautifully!! You will be amazed at the beauty YOU create in your life. 

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Angel Reading: If you chose C, you are a loving person who truly cares for others. Almost like a mother would care for her children. You are warm, caring, and very creative. You could be multi-talented. Many of you have a sense of elegance. You are a powerful manifester. If you don't already use this manifesting strength, please do, because you can manifest almost anything you wish to. You just need to learn how to consciously create what you want to. You can make beautiful things, and you can make a space beautiful. You most likely really love nature. You focus on your family with all your heart. And for many of you, "family" isn't just your immediate family, but it could include a large number of people you call family. The more spiritually awakened ones recognize fully that the entire world is their family. They just feel it deep within them. You are a very nurturing person, and anyone included in your definition of "family" is lucky because they have you. Many of you love animals and children. You make a wonderful parent. You are generous, loyal, charming, and you make a great host/hostess. People often feel safe around you, and like to confide in you. 

If not already, you will be experiencing prosperity or some financial benefit, and success in your projects (the "project" can be work, relationships, money, health, spirituality...whatever you are focused on). Your angels ask you to use your innate sense of being practical, and you will achieve much success. Be clear about your goals, and then work towards accomplishing them steadily and in a no-nonsense way which is a quality that you were born with. 

You will soon be feeling confident and secure in your relationships. You will be successful in your work life, and you will enjoy financial prosperity. Your health will be good.

What We Can Do: If you haven't got to the stage of experiencing the above, you need to follow the instructions here so that you can get to where you are meant to be. Make sure that you nurture yourself too as you nurture others. If you are having any problems in relationships, work, money, etc, take a journal and make two columns: Current Situation & Desired Situation. Under the Current Situation, write down what is not working in your life, or what is it that you would like to improve. For example, if you are having trouble being successful at work, you can write that down under Current situation. Then under Desired Situation, write what you want in the form of an affirmation, for example, "I am enjoying a lavish salary of XXX (the amount you desire)". In another example, if you are having a problem with someone, and you wish to improve the relationship, write down an affirmation like, "I am loved and respected",  "XYZ (the name of the person) is loving and respectful to me". In this way, create a short affirmation about whatever it is you are having a challenge with. If your health is not as good as what is written above, pay attention to your diet, rest, and exercise, and also use the affirmation, "I am completely healthy".

Choose an affirmation in the problem area of your life, and do the following. Repeat your chosen affirmation mentally with feeling every night in bed till you drift off to sleep. As soon as you wake up, repeat your affirmation for a couple of minutes or so till you get a good feeling inside. During the day whenever the topic of your challenge pops up in your mind, close your eyes and repeat the chosen affirmation mentally till you get a good feeling inside. Doing this diligently will change your situation and you will fully experience the good things written in your angel reading. Your angels are also asking you to trust your intuition more and more. 

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Have a BEAUTIFUL new week! 

Much love,


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