Angel Reading - Timeless - 18

timeless angel reading Jan 31, 2021

Happy New Month to you! Write to me below:

1. What did you manifest in January?

2. What do you desire to manifest in February?

3. What do you plan on manifesting in 2021?

4. What do you plan to manifest for your lifetime?

I will soon be starting a series of mailings on manifesting your desires. You can use the techniques that I send you to manifest whatever it is you want. So if you haven't already subscribed to my mailing list, do subscribe so that you will be getting the entire series on learning to manifest. Plus these weekly angel readings will be sent right to your inbox. I send lessons on many metaphysical/spiritual topics. And you get to download my free ebook on learning how to see auras. This is where you sign up for my mailing list: 💜


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the message will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.


  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

Your Guardian Angel Message:


If you chose A, I get the feeling that you might be worried about something, or sad. Some of you might even be feeling alone. This is what I see: I see someone sitting alone and feeling sad, or alone. However, right behind you is an angel with big white wings. The angel has a big sword. This sword is for your protection. The angel says that the protection you need is mostly from your own sad or negative thoughts. Thoughts and feelings that are strong, and if accompanied with strong emotion often materialize in our experience. The angel is helping you by cutting your energetic ties with these negative thoughts. Your angel is saying that these negative feelings are not truthful. For example, you are not alone. Your angels are with you. I want to share a video I created to tell you about my experiences of meeting angels. Fact is, we are always surrounded by our angels. We just do not realize. And they often come and speak to us without us realizing they are angels.

Watch this video to hear about my experiences when angels appeared as humans and came to me. I will also talk about how you can know when it is an angel who came and talked to you. Here is my video: I Met Archangel Michael At Borders Bookstore (I really did!) - The point of this video is to show you that they are around us always, and trying to help us. Especially notice if there are strangers who are trying to help, because for some of you, the help will come from a stranger, and it is very possible that that stranger is an angel. Ask your angels to come and help you feel happy too! Letting go of negative thinking and feeling happy is KEY here in changing your experiences to those of joy! And you can do this easily.

And even on earth, there are people who do love you, but when we feel sad and forlorn we feel like everyone is against us. That is not true. There are people who do love you. You matter to them. Do not isolate yourself. Reach out to others for help. And you will be pleasantly surprised with now many people love you.

Most of the challenges you are dealing with are manifested because of worries or focusing on what you do not have. We are always manifesting, whether we realize it or not. Our beliefs, thoughts, emotions are always creating our experiences. So when we are focused on what we do not have, we are manifesting more experiences of what we do not have -- be it - money, job, relationships, health, success, or anything else. This is not to blame you...we all do this from time to time. I do it too. Here is how you can change those thoughts when they are oppressing you: Take a 108 bead mala, or a rosary, or just 108 small objects, or some way to count 108. Now, with each count, think of something you have, and are grateful for. We all have many really important things which we take for granted: water to drink, food to eat, roof over our heads, electricity, clean air to breathe, shower, flushing toilets, toilet paper (remember how hard it was to get toilet paper during the initial phase of the pandemic lockdown?), bed to sleep in, people in our lives...and so much more. Can you imagine how life would be if we lose even one of these things? So, yes, we all have tons of things to be grateful for. Now, with each count, think of something you have, and then say, "Thank you for the blessings!". Do this 108 times in one sitting. Close your eyes and do it so you can be engrossed in this process. By the time you are done, most likely you will feel like you are buzzing with higher vibration!

Your angels are saying that no matter what you are experiencing, there is help available for you. When you intentionally lift yourself out of low feelings, your vision will not be clouded, and you will see that there are people who want to help you and that you actually have a lot to be thankful for. When you get to this realization, the clouds in your life will begin to lift, and everything will change for the better.

Those of you who are trying to start their own business, or have their own business might be worried that it will not be successful. As mentioned above, success or lack of success will depend on your predominant thoughts and emotions. Keep your thoughts positive. Refuse to think negatively and affirm that your business is thriving and is a huge success. Same with jobs. If you are not happy where you are, and you are worrying that you will not get a good new job, then you will manifest just that. Affirm that you already have your dream job. Think about your dream job, daydream about it as if it is already there, and you are going there each day. Some of you might have health concerns. And I understand that it is hard to think, "I am completely healthy" when you are feeling unwell. But that's exactly what you really need right now. Repeat constantly in your mind, "I am completely healthy and happy". This will start to change your health for the better.

In fact, healing angels are surrounding you at this time, and they are working on healing all those aspects of your life (not just physical health) that need healing. Ask them to help you with whatever it is you need help with. Even if it is finances you need help with, ask the healing angels to help you with that. Your asking and believing with faith will bring about miracles. 

Often we feel alone because we feel like others have not treated us well. And the unforgiveness we carry towards them makes us feel even more alone. But in life, sometimes even those who love us, hurt us. And often it is unintentional. We hurt others too, don't we? That doesn't mean we do not love them. One of the ways you can stop feeling alone is by forgiving everyone. Do this exercise: Make a list of all the people who have wronged you, or ridiculed you, or hurt you in any way. After that, forgive each one of them one by one. Here is a meditation I created to help you forgive people powerfully: Please do subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the bell icon so that you will know each time I upload a video on angels, meditation, manifestation, etc to help you solve your problems and live a happy life. This meditation really works powerfully, and you will feel free after forgiving them all. And suddenly your heart chakra will open, and you will realize how lucky and loved you are! And with that, your life will change, because now you will start to manifest better things in life. 

If you would like to get the Angel Readings delivered to your inbox, and if you'd like to download my free ebook "Learn to See Auras", then sign up here:


If you have chosen B, a very happy time is about to start. Your angels are here and looking really happy. They are clapping. You have accomplished something lovely, or you are going to do something amazing. This is going to be a wonderful accomplishment. Success is the keyword for you at this time. You will feel as if the world is at your feet! 

You have experienced a lot of ups and downs in life, and specifically with the aspect of life or project, you are focused on at this time. Some of you have faced a lot of hardships too. But you prevailed. And now you are or will soon be experiencing big successes! Your angels are very proud of you, and are saying you should be proud of your accomplishments too! Things were not easy at times, but you still did it!

Lady Luck is also on your side now, and you will be getting good opportunities in life - in the areas of life you are focused on. Could be your career, relationship, health, completing a course or education, having kids, starting your business, or anything else that is important to you.

Celebrate this moment. Rest awhile before onward movement, and celebrate everything you have accomplished. Life is not just about working, it is also about being happy, and celebrating. 

Your angels are also asking you to cut energy cords with people or situations that are draining you. Doing this will help you experience more joy. Sometimes, even though we know that a situation or a person is causing more problems than joy, we don't detach ourselves from them. We might keep hanging on because we are too attached to the situation or to the person. This is detrimental to us.

And I understand if you are finding it tough to let go. Cutting cords and letting go does not always mean cutting off that person from your life. Sometimes you do need to walk away from unhealthy relationships, but often, all you need is to forgive the people, cut energy cords, and step back. They can still be part of your life, but you can ask your angels to take care of the situation instead of you being in it. 

Forgiveness is the best form of cutting cords. It is a loving way to set yourself and the other person free of pain. Often after the process of forgiveness, beautiful outcomes follow. Who is it in your life that you need to release, cut cords with, or forgive? Remember, this is a lovely time in your life, so do not sabotage your happiness by remaining attached to a negative situation. I have recently uploaded a meditation to help you forgive and cut cords. So make a list of people that are draining you, or people who have hurt you, and use this meditation to set yourself free: (Please do subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the bell icon so that you will know each time I upload a video on angels, meditation, manifestation, etc to help you solve your problems and live a happy life. Thank you!).

This is all for the people in group B because mostly, life is going to be really good! Just make sure you forgive, cut cords, and detach yourself from any negative people or situations. When you do this forgiveness process you heal even them! And very often the relationship itself is healed.

If you would like to get the Angel Readings delivered to your inbox, and if you'd like to download my free ebook "Learn to See Auras", then sign up here:


If you chose C, your angels want to first talk of finances. Don't worry, they want to say good things. If you have faced problems in the wealth area, know that this challenge will be ending, and you will experience financial security. Some of you will be inheriting wealth.

That said, this is a time where you will experience security and joy in all areas of your life. Family life will be a great source of joy. Your relationships will heal, and you can expect relationships to be blissful. A solid foundation for your wealth and relationships will be built now. The angels advice you to focus on building this solid foundation for your relationships, as well as job or business. 

One of the ways to make sure you create a good foundation for good relationships is to let bygones be bygones. There is bound to be some amount of conflict in any relationship - especially the close ones. And that is because you feel free and open with those close to you. So the usual guards are down, and sometimes this causes hurt. But we must remember that we should not give up on the people who we know love us. Forgive them. Use this meditation I created to forgive them, and create harmony between you and them: (Please also subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the bell icon so that you will know each time I upload a video on angels, meditation, manifestation, etc to help you solve your problems and live a happy life.)

Also, pay close attention to any business and job you start. Or any new thing you start with regards to your work. Make the foundation solid here as well. 

This is a great time for conflict resolution, building trust, close relations, and also your work. Even though this time is great for all areas of your life, these two areas are especially going to be wonderful -- family relationships and work/wealth. So please make sure you will work towards solidifying these two areas through forgiveness and planning. 

Some of you will have family gatherings soon and there might be a great reason for celebration. 

Your angels also advise you to forgive and accept yourself lovingly. The forgiveness we talked about above is not just for others. If you have anything you hold against yourself, do forgive yourself. You can do the same forgiveness meditation video for forgiving yourself too. Instead of calling the other person, you talk to yourself. Merge with your Higher Self in the meditation, and imagine yourself sitting in front of you, and then continue following the instructions given. This process will help you heal and let go of patterns within you that have held you back in the past. 

Your angels are saying that some events or experiences in the past have caused your self-esteem and self-confidence to go down. It is time you healed it. Sometimes, the easiest way to improve our self-esteem & confidence is to write down a list of things that we feel are not good about us. Write this list in the left column, and then in the right column write the opposite of each of those points. So if for example, you wrote, "I am not good looking" in the left column, write in the right column, "I am beautiful". If you write, "I am powerless" in the left column, write, "I am divinely powerful" in the right column. Do this for the entire list, and after that repeat these affirmations in your mind in a dramatic way. The subconscious mind is very receptive to emotional & dramatic tones. Do not worry at all if you do not believe your affirmations at first. Just keep repeating the affirmations with emotions or in a dramatic tone. In time you will start to see changes in yourself. The affirmations will stop feeling like they are not true. And you will start to feel a much better sense of self-concept. Please remember that Self-Concept is the basis for all that you experience in life, so do not take it lightly. 

If you would like to get the Angel Readings delivered to your inbox, and if you'd like to download my free ebook "Learn to See Auras", then sign up here:

Have a beautiful new week! 

Much love,



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