Angel Reading - Timeless - 17

timeless angel reading Jan 24, 2021


Last week of January already! Didn't we just celebrate New Year's Eve? How does time fly so fast? 

If you are part of my mailing list I hope you have been enjoying the Chakra series emails that I have been sending to teach about all the 7 chakras, what happens when they are blocked, and how to open, heal, and balance the chakras.

I will be sending you a Conscious Manifestation series after the Chakra series to teach you some tools of manifesting. And in March I will hold a 21-Day-Manifest-Your-Desire challenge where I'll ask you to join a temporary FB group, and each person will decide on one desire to manifest during the challenge. Would you like to participate? If you would, make sure you are subscribed to my mailing list.


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the message will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

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  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

Your Guardian Angel Message:


When I asked for a message for group A, I was given many different kinds of visions. Amongst them, the most prominent one that they kept showing me, again and again, was an old door. A child would open an old creaky door, come out, and quickly shut the door again. I tried to peek inside and tried to open the door each time, but it remained shut. Before closing what I saw was that beyond that door everything was dark anyway. And when I tried to peek inside through the keyhole finally (yes, I'm persistent!) pink and purple beautiful flowers blocked the way in a very polite, gentle, and loving way. It didn't feel like a barrier or challenge, but it felt like loving guidance to let the door remain shut.

This can have different meanings, for different people in this group. But the main message seemed to be that you need to let go of something lovingly. It was an old door, which means this is something from the past. It could be an old habit, an addiction, or something sad or hurtful that happened in the past. The door opened for a short time, just a little bit and a child came out and shut the door behind. To me, this indicates an inner child healing for some of you. If you have incidents from the past that still have some hold on you, and not letting you go forward, make a list of those incidents. And heal that past self of yours that went through those incidents. If someone or something had hurt your feelings, and you still feel sad, do this EFT Tapping video with me: Whatever it might be in the past that is hurting you, use the words to describe your feelings while tapping with me in this video. Your feelings will heal very quickly as you work with me in this video with each incident that is blocking you or has any negative emotional hold over you. Do this process for each incident that needs healing. Do not let anything limit you, or hold you back from what you are doing now in life. This is an important step you need to complete because there is much forward movement waiting for you after this.

After I finally let go of trying to open that door and moved ahead, for a short while there was some lack of clarity and darkness, and I saw children (human and animal) again, and the suggestion to love, take care, and be gentle, to protect, and shelter. For some, this means, that after you go through your inner child healing steps outlined in the paragraph above, you might still feel some emptiness and grief and that you need to be gentle with that inner child so it heals completely. Just be the loving, protective adult for your own past self, and visualize going to your younger/past self, and talking to this self. Tell this past self that you will always protect and take care of him/her, and that there is nothing to be worried about. Hug your past self. This step has profound healing on your past self. And for some in this group, it literally means that your angels are asking you to pay attention to the young ones in your life - whether they are humans or animals. They might need your help, attention, and your reassurance that you are there for them.

After this short period of darkness or lack of clarity, there was immense brightness in my vision! This lack of clarity that I felt could be related to the work you are focused on at this time. This could be related to your career, your health, spiritual path, relationships, life path, or any area of your life that you are working on now. Thankfully this lack of clarity or confusion will last for a very short time. The angels showed me that when you are going through this "lack of clarity" period, you should make sure you do not fret, you do not struggle, and do not force some solutions. Instead, they showed me party hats, indicating that you need to let go of the struggle, and focus on something relaxing and fun. Take your mind off the confusion for a short time (and I mean, this really will be a short time), and take a break and enjoy yourself. This break from struggling, and letting go of forcing solutions, and relaxing will open up the world for you! You will see!

Sometimes when we struggle against something, it gets worse. So just let go. When you feel stress-free, solutions will automatically appear, and suddenly there will be unstoppable forward movement. I saw blinding white light after this "confusion" period. A wise old man stepped in and lit a lamp for you. This wise man could represent your own inner wisdom or your angelic guidance, or this could literally mean that a wise human mentor will show up and show you the path. The light was so bright that I couldn't see this person well. I was up in the skies in the vision. Open and vast bright white skies. There was dazzling brightness everywhere, which indicates that everything will go really well from now. In fact, exceptionally well, because you took the time to heal those parts of you from the past that were still troubling you.

The brightness also indicates a bright future, amazing new opportunities, and angelic guidance & blessings for you.

A perfect rainbow appeared, which can only mean very positive things. After all the rain comes the rainbow. Similarly, after all the struggles that you had faced before, you will experience the perfect rewards. 

I saw an angel carry a huge bunch of pink flowers, and then the scene was full of pink flowers. This indicates romance for some of you, and for most, it means Love, just incidents where you will experience feeling loved, feeling bliss, and feeling joy. And you will feel a lot of love for others. An angel above also means you will be guided in your path by your guardian angels. They will be leading you to the bright future that I saw. To make sure you experience this joyful future, please do listen to the guidance of your angels. If you need help in connecting to your angels, please learn from this video I made to connect with your angels: you are there, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click on the bell icon there, so that you can get notified each time I post a video on manifestation techniques, angels, meditation, EFT, or healing.

Please do not be worried about the initial period of confusion because all your hard work is going to bring you rich rewards. Success is near.

The confusion that I saw, in the beginning, also means for many of you that you have a lot of things to do. And most of them are important. They all will seem to compete with each other in getting your attention. And you might have a tough time just wondering what to do first. Take a short break, pull your attention away from everything else, and work with your angels in prioritizing your work. If you clearly write down all you need to do and assign dates and times to each, you will feel much lighter, and the path will be created for the forward movement towards success. Be very focused at this time. Do not let anyone or anything divert your attention from your plan of action. 

Keep the above in mind because you are headed for a very high level of success in whatever it is you are trying to do. This success will be such a big achievement that you might even get public recognition from it. Or accolades from the ones who matter. For some, this might mean a salary raise, or a new job, or a promotion. It could mean big business success. Or it could be a big win in health improvement. It could also mean huge healings in the relationship area. Whatever your dreams are, whatever you are hoping to accomplish, there is a huge chance of a BIG win there!

The last message I get for this group is that of Self-Acceptance. And this circles back to tie in with the inner-child healing we talked about at first. The more you end any and all self-blame, low self-worth issues, and negatively comparing yourself with others, the more successful you will be in life. The only thing that ever stands between you and success, you and happiness, you and healing - is any negative self-judgments or negative feelings or negative ideas you might hold about yourself. Please heal this. Love and accept yourself unconditionally. This is the key to all the happiness, success, love, health, wisdom, or wealth that you wish for. This is not some cliched positive talk, this is REAL talk. If you are aware of the concepts of Conscious Manifestation (as many of you are), you will know that Self-Concept is the most important thing that decides what you experience in life. I do realize that I need to talk about this concept, and I will create videos on this topic on my YouTube channel so people realize how important Self-Concept is. Fix the self-concept, and everything in your life aligns itself beautifully. Try it!

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When I asked for a message for this group the first thing I saw was two hands touching each other and a lot of light around the two hands. It was surrounded by darkness, but the touch sparked this bright light. And then the light spread, and I saw a man and a woman holding hands, looking really happy, and the brightness spread all over. Then I saw showers of blessings coming down from the Heavens.

This vision can mean different things to different people, and that is appropriate too because a large number of people see these angel readings. This same vision will mean different things to different people. The only common thread is, that you will all experience some kind of joy, celebration, and blessings. And that most of you will experience this through a partnership, or friendship, or romantic relationship, or some kind of a getting together with someone else, or with a group of people. Some of you in this group will come together with your romantic partner. This romantic partner could be a new person or a re-kindling of romance/passion/joy/connection with an existing relationship. For some, this person could be someone with whom you have not communicated for some time, and you will reconnect. This reconnection will bring you much joy. There could be wedding bells for some, or commitment to each other.

For some, this means you will be making new friends, new connections, with like-minded people, or reconnecting with old friends you haven't met or talked with for a long time. And for some this could even be a business partnership, a new job, or a new employee.

In any case, this coming together - no matter what type of a relationship this is (romantic, platonic, or business) - will bring joy and blessings in your life. This coming together will start with a strong foundation. You could be marrying, and this will be a strong relationship. You could be buying a house where you will spend many beautiful years. You could be starting a business, a project, or some work together that will be built on a firm foundation.

Many of you have experienced a period of sadness (the darkness I saw in the vision), or are still facing it. And even if you are still facing it, rest assured that this is the end of darkness. Life is going to be filled with light, brightness, joy, love, and reasons for celebration. 

Springtime is important for some reason. Some might be getting pregnant.

Many of you have been working hard at something (does not have to be only career-related hard work), and your hard work is going to show results soon.

You already have a lot to be grateful for. Keep your focus on your blessings, and give thanks to God, your angels, your family, your friends - everyone who has helped you in any way. The more you focus on this, the more you are going to be showered with blessings to be grateful about.  

This is a time of great peace, joy, contentment (personal reasons or career), and financial security. 

Healing angels are also surrounding you and your life. Whatever needs healing in your life will be receiving healing - be it your physical/emotional/spiritual health, or any other areas of your life that need healing.

This is a wonderful time for manifesting your dreams. Your energy, mind, heart, beliefs, morale, are all in the right place. So make really good use of this time to manifest whatever it is your heart desires! Watch this video from a Live Zoom meeting I conducted on the 30th of December, 2020. In this video, after the initial sharing of what went right in the lives of the participants in the year 2020, I teach a simple method to manifest your desires. It is a very simple and effective method. And after that, I lead people through a meditation to manifest an amazing 2021. Watch it to learn the process of manifestation so you can make VERY good use of this time: While you are there, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click on the bell icon there, so that you can get notified each time I post a video on manifestation techniques, angels, meditation, EFT, or healing.

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When I asked for a message for group C, the first thing I saw was the sky with clouds. Not the dark clouds. But big white fluffy clouds that we associate with Heavens. I saw a magician wearing white standing and pointing forward. Then I saw someone on a white horse charging forward with a victory flag. Next there was a large ship with sails (yes, still in the sky), moving forward. And then I saw guns firing up. I asked -- what do you mean by guns? So they showed me swords pointing up, and heard the words, "Aim HIGHER!!". Next scene I saw angels flying above.

And here is the interpretation. The sky, the Heavenly clouds, guns firing up, swords pointing up are also asking you to dream bigger, aim higher. Do not settle for less, no matter what it is that you are focusing on at this time. Whether it is your career, health, relationship, or whatever else, your angels are saying you must make sure that you do not sell yourself short, that you do not expect less, or compromise because you are afraid of dreaming big. What is the biggest outcome you can dare to hope for? Think of that, and then take it a notch higher. The sky is the limit - is what the vision says. And since the sky is unlimited, your hopes and goals should be unlimited too.

The magician, at the beginning of my visions, wore white, and that implies to me that you have Divine Manifesting powers working in your favor at this time. If you do not know how to manifest, please watch this video: that I have made. It is a long video because it was a live session. In the beginning, the participants talk about what went right in their lives in 2020. But right after that, I teach a simple manifestation method that is very effective. Please watch that, learn it, and use that method. While you are there, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click on the bell icon there, so that you can get notified each time I post a video on manifestation techniques, angels, meditation, EFT, or healing. Remember, when you are using that method of manifestation from the video, and you are making your list as described there, make sure you follow the angelic guidance above of aiming really high. This is very important. The magician was pointing forward, which indicated forward movement. This is not the time to procrastinate. This is time for action.

When I saw the person on the white horse charging ahead, it implies too, that you need to charge ahead boldly with your manifestations, your work, project, relationship, health improvement, or whatever it is that is important to you at this time. Do not hesitate. Do not procrastinate. Be bold. Be confident. Be courageous. Yes, there were clouds, and they implied Heavenly help, reaching for Heavenly heights, but they also implied that you might not have the entire plan, the map, or clarity on all the steps needed. But that is how everything is. As we charge ahead, the clouds dissipate, and the next steps become clear. So keep charging ahead.

I also saw that the man on the horse had his sword or staff held high, and chains would often appear and trying to pull the staff or sword down, but the man was strong, confident, and easily cut through all the chains and got rid of them. This part of the vision also implies that the guidance for you is to aim high, be bold, and fearless. There will definitely be obstacles in your way because that is the norm in life. Every great effort is met with challenges. However, in your case, your confidence, unstoppable forward momentum, and fearlessness will win each time against each and every challenge with ease. 

In the last part of the vision, I saw angels flying above, again, implying forward movement, and they also implied angelic protection. Be fearless, because you, your path, your actions, and your work/project/whatever you are focused on, are all guided and protected by the angels. Listen carefully to the guidance your angels will give you through this journey you are on. They will be guiding you on going about your journey in a more effective way, and they will also be guiding you on how to stay safe, and how to break through each and every challenge that comes your way. It is important that you stay in close communication with your angels at this time. If you do not know how to communicate with your angels, watch this video I made on connecting with the angels: Your angels are leading you towards victory. And you are safe and protected. Do not worry.

You will be coming across an amazing opportunity or more. For most of you, this opportunity and all the guidance that is given above is about your work or a creative project. But this does not mean that is what it implies for each of you in this group. This could be about anything that is your main focus at this time. It could also mean that you need to focus on what you feel passionate about. What is it that you have always wanted to do? Do it now. At least start. Now is the time. This could be a life-changing moment for you. 

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Have a beautiful new week! 

Much love,



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